Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Everyone at some point in their lives tells the truth.  I guess this is my time to tell the truth.
Born and brought up in dingy suburbs of Kolkata, I have seen life in different colours- colours which are not at all bright rather muted, shady and have the scent of a lost world. My passion first expressed itself inside the crowded compartment of a local train, in a monsoon evening. The staccato smell of mahogany and greasy railway tracks converse under my nostrils. My ancient house has rootless banyan trees on its walls that are no better than peeping tom, they know my private life, and they know my secret adventures. I know the pain and sighs of lepers whom the society abhors. My report cards show my inherent fear which I have been carrying since the beginning of the civilization. My tongue cannot stop giving birth to an ocean when beautiful women walk past me. I roll along their curves. I commit the same sin thousand times over.  That’s all I know about myself. With these sense and sensibilities I have entered the big bad world of advertising. But I voluntarily suffer from split personality disorder. I can take any shape and I can get into any shoes. Happy viewing. 

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